ONDC’s Impressive 21% Growth: Transforming Digital Commerce in IndiaThe Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC)’s rapid growth and strategic integrations are reshaping India’s digital commerce landscape.Aug 6, 2024Aug 6, 2024
Fix npm vulnerabilities of dependent packages by overriding package versionsAs the JavaScript ecosystem continues to grow, npm (Node Package Manager) has become the backbone of modern web development, allowing…Jul 27, 20231Jul 27, 20231
404 Not Found with React Router and NginxTo fix this issue on linux, we need edit nginx config file. have used linux terminal nano editor.Dec 10, 2022Dec 10, 2022
Kill process attached to port addressFind Process ID (PID) with below commandNov 10, 2019Nov 10, 2019
Display a list of listening programs and the ports that they are usingRun the following command to display a list of listening programs and the ports that they are using.Jul 27, 2017Jul 27, 2017
Convert pem key to ppk key for accessing linux from windows with puttygen/winscpDownload puttygen : https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/puttygen.exeJan 7, 2017Jan 7, 2017
Run Python Flask Server Application in BackgroundInstall gunicorn on ubuntu with below command:Jan 7, 20171Jan 7, 20171